Inked by Max

Inked by Max

Client: Viaplay

In collaboration with: Demy Sapthu & Huibert Jan van der Fange

Role in the project: Creative Lead & Art Director

This year it will be the very first time there’s a Dutch world champion in the Dutch Grand Prix. What if Viaplay helps one Verstappen-fan to immortalise this moment?



A tattoo made by Max himself. The lap is immortalised as a line on their upper arm. The line of the tattoo follows the racing line of Max on the track. Max’s driving style as a signature, the ultimate memento for a die-hard F1 fan.

Together with the talented people from Appropriate Audiences we created a tattoo machine that translated the data from Max his car in real time into a unique tattoo.

The machine wrote every hesitation, every-split second decision, and every acceleration of Max on the arm of the fan.


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